Late Virginia "Aline" White

Details about the deceased .

Virginia "Aline" White passed away peacefully on October 3, 2021 in Pensacola, FL at the age of 96. She was born in Montgomery, AL on July 6, 1925 to the late Herman H. Hayes and Opal Lounette Turner Hayes Price.
Aline lived in Pensacola for over 30 years and was a longtime resident of Flomaton, AL prior to that. She was a member of the Pine Forrest Assembly of God congregation. She was a retired cashier and homemaker.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Narvel (N. C.) White; mother, Lounette Price; father, Herman Hayes; daughter, Beverly Sparks; grandson, Kevin Small; sister, Jeanette Johnson; and brother, J.C. Hayes.
Aline is survived by her son, Grayson Donell "Don" (Sheila) Fischer, Sr.; granddaughter, Michelle (Abe) Flowers; grandsons, Grayson Donell "Donnie" Fischer, Jr. Jessie Fischer, Ken Small and Evan Small; great granddaughters, Kendra Small, Sydney Small and Madison Small; great grandsons, Wayne Flowers and Matthew Fischer; and great, great granddaughter, Chelsea Flowers.
Aline was the heart and soul of the family. She ensured every birthday, holiday and special occasion was celebrated in high fashion. She was a true Southern Lady and dressed to the fullest if only to go to the store or nowhere at all, “just in case”. She loved tea parties, fancy place settings whatever the meal, large or small, and ensured everyone’s needs were met above her own. She seeked to serve and make others happy. She was always active in women’s ministries and a true prayer warrior. She spent many hours reading the bible and on her knees in prayer, for family, friends and any in need. She played the guitar and enjoyed old time gospel music. She had a beautiful singing voice and sang loud and proud. In her youth she sang as part of “Smokey Metcalf and the Sunshine Sisters” along with her sister Jeanette. She loved being outside and enjoying “all of God’s beauty”. Her roses, daylilies and flower beds along with her family, were her life’s pleasures. She was “Granny” to all who knew and loved her. The world has lost a true angel. She will be cherished and greatly missed by all.

General Information

Full Name: Virginia "Aline" White

Date of Birth: July 6, 1925

Date of Death: October 3, 2021